I’m noticing ALOT of positions opening through USAA that are offering much lower salaries for the positions that are already filled. Coincidence? I think not. #stormiscomin
6 replies (most recent on top)
They want a younger less expensive workforce. Also this way it makes for a good press release to say we had layoffs but we added jobs. Smoke and mirrors. If their mouth is moving they are lying. Simple as that.
They are also reaching out to employees who previously left USAA and offering them positions as they are laying people off. Wrap your head around that.
The only reason I’m still working there is I’m lazy and don’t feel like job searching at the moment
The company has to make up the losses from Executive Managements bad decisions somehow and it isnt going to come out of their own pocket!
The salary range for roles that are opening up are significantly lower than they were before.
And it’s lower than what other companies pay
You would have to be an id--t to want to work for this place after the cr-p they pulled on workers the last 2 years.