Thread regarding USAA layoffs

Is it just me….

I’m noticing ALOT of positions opening through USAA that are offering much lower salaries for the positions that are already filled. Coincidence? I think not. #stormiscomin

| 1773 views | | 6 replies (last June 7, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mYV1Y3n

6 replies (most recent on top)

They want a younger less expensive workforce. Also this way it makes for a good press release to say we had layoffs but we added jobs. Smoke and mirrors. If their mouth is moving they are lying. Simple as that.

Post ID: @2xds+1mYV1Y3n

They are also reaching out to employees who previously left USAA and offering them positions as they are laying people off. Wrap your head around that.

Post ID: @1nsj+1mYV1Y3n

The only reason I’m still working there is I’m lazy and don’t feel like job searching at the moment

Post ID: @1qdt+1mYV1Y3n


The company has to make up the losses from Executive Managements bad decisions somehow and it isnt going to come out of their own pocket!

Post ID: @1dag+1mYV1Y3n

The salary range for roles that are opening up are significantly lower than they were before.

And it’s lower than what other companies pay

Post ID: @1mzu+1mYV1Y3n

You would have to be an id--t to want to work for this place after the cr-p they pulled on workers the last 2 years.

Post ID: @nnz+1mYV1Y3n

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