Thread regarding Avaya layoffs

Portfolio Maximization

I have 3 questions: is there a vendor in the world who has this job? What do they do? Apart from being Alan’s sweetheart, how does ST add any value to the business?

| 1394 views | | 5 replies (last June 10, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mZwP8hS

5 replies (most recent on top)

Perhaps the role is to maximize the minimization of the portfolio and revenue. Track record in the latter during previous year either 1Cloud. It’s all about transformation.

Post ID: @4fpl+1mZwP8hS

Good Lord is back! How defeating that Good Lord for overlooked for that role, they have been interviewing for that role for over a year! we are supposed to be looking at the sparkly boots and bizarrely short skirts instead.

Post ID: @1hzn+1mZwP8hS

Good lord ST as eye candy? You all need to get out into the real world...

Post ID: @1gei+1mZwP8hS

Every Orgs CEO has a bit of eye candy next to them who knows what happens behind boardroom closed doors.

Post ID: @1qpm+1mZwP8hS

P-R-I-V-A-T-E E-Q-U-I-T-Y for $100, Alex.
Squeeze every Penny out of even the tiniest of dinosaurs

Speed to value is prized over meticulous planning
Arguably, the biggest concrete difference between the role of a CEO in PE and any other type of CEO is the pace. Capital in PE clocks at 20 to 25 percent a year, and every month of delay burns returns. PE firms operate with strict timetables for when a company should deliver against its deal

Post ID: @aes+1mZwP8hS

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