8 replies (most recent on top)
Anonymous know it all: I did analytic models for a major cable network.
What's your qualification?
@bicd+1mcCKAvW you clearly don't know how the ratings system works or how demographic data is collected
To the person who cited "the highest rated program with the target 18-35 demographic"...
...that's "cable" viewers, in a demographic that has been the most active in cutting the cord.
So, what you're really saying is, "the highest rated program among 18-35 year olds who live in their parents basement"
And yet that has nothing to do with it. Tucker had too much to say about the Pharma industry
and yet...
Tucker Carlson is the highest rated program with the target 18-35 demo.
Let that sink in.
every single three letter agency is unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately