Paul Saleh has been replaced by Mark Knickrehm as Chairman and CEO as of today.
23 replies (most recent on top)
Company leadership is a cesspool of id--ts. Paul got fired. New CEO is no better. Last town hall, none of the executives were g-n hole in their presentation. Leadership can’t get their act together and now micromanaging your time to the second. The past 2 years, 3000 or so got kicked to the curb. All IT now staffed with barebones staff. Company now pushing IT be staffed 70/30 where 70% is offshore. Curious how they will satisfy the no offshore clause in their contracts. Veritas and Gainwell is FUBAR
Let’s hear the real story about Saleh and Kumar. Fired because the one-time $100M allocation from Veritas in 2021, continued to be used by the two id--ts as if a permanent allocation. More details, anyone?
Probably just not a lot of competition in the MMIS space. It's easier and less expensive for the states to keep the older systems running, than to try to find something new. If anyone ever does build a better modern MMIS, there's going to be a lot more disruption, than what we have right now.
Just like I said “a big batch of BS and lies” in the town hall. No mention of all the layoffs. No mention of financial struggles. No real mention of a plan to get the company out of the mud. With his background it will either be the same story with a different leader or worse. Poor decisions. Layoffs. No training. No communication.
And yet this company is still in business. Saleh nominated for an award. Then fired. Just shows how all the lies fooled the public. Behind closed doors Gainwell is a mess.
It is only a matter of time before all the poor management catches up with this company.
Get out as soon as possible.
He isn’t going to admit to anything. Especially if it’s saying the company is doing poorly. That would be career su----e. He is going to work the same as Paul Saleh. More layoffs. More lack of communication.
Be prepared for a big batch of BS and lies coming up in the town hall.
Everyone needs to be looking for another job. There is absolutely zero reason to stay working for this company.
CEO ousted means company is doing poorly. Let's see if the new guy admits to it, in his town hall.
Boys will be boys taking care of each other and not blemish their careers. But who cares about everyone else.
Haha. He was definitely fired.
It’s pretty common to can a CEO and keep them on the board.
Slice it however you want. But anything like that - that is effective immediately is a firing.
And he should have never been allowed to be the ceo in the first place. And they should have fired him a long time ago. He has destroyed the company.
I don't think Saleh got fired...he was just moved to the "board" from what I heard. The new guy came from the board as well so it just looks like a swap.
Oh so much more reckless turmoil is in store.
Like so many people on here have said…get out of the downward spiral. This place is not worth your time. I don’t care how much you are getting paid.
Shocked…. Seriously?
All the experience in the world that rests inside a bad leader is useless. A bad leader is still a bad leader. Paul Saleh was a horrible leader. Even in his previous company. No value of the employee. Laid off people on a whim. Didn’t care about any of the employees. His only solution is to hire a lot of people to solve a problem, then lay them off when the finances don’t add up. And to prove that…did you hear any communication from him or his team about layoffs? Any at all? Nope. Just layoff after layoff.
Leaders like that don’t care about you. So I could care less how much experience Paul Saleh has. He has no business running a company.
How can you be shocked that a person like that got fired?
My intuition tells me that this is not the end of the story. It feels to me like something larger is brewing - we just don’t all know it yet.
Rumor so far is that Paul S. rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and was hard to get along with. Whatever the reason he was gone and fast. Get a random employee email one afternoon, not even from Paul about leaving, stating Paul was out and new guy was in.
I am shocked, shocked that Gainwell would let someone go who had MONTHS of experience in the Medicaid arena.
That kind of experience doesn't grow on trees.
Very entertaining post!
CEO finalist of the year and let go a month later. That is Sanchitta Karma at its core.
I praise Buddha every day that I was let go from this company 3 months ago. It was like I was wearing concrete boots down at the bottom of Lake Mead. I had no idea how suffocating it was to work for a company like Gainwell.
Now that this weight has been lifted from me, my ulcers have cleared up, my skin is better, I am not sick to my stomach every day wondering why do I continue to work here!? Thank you for letting me go! It was the best day ever!
By the way, the severance package sucked, I hope the CEO got they gave us, NADA.
My advice is to glean as much as you can about HealthPAS (QNXT) and get out!
McKinsey = mass layoffs. It’s what they do best.
New guy owns a tie!
Does Veritas know what they are doing? Seems like they do not.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
But the replacement is not any better.
The turmoil is going to continue.
Get out of the cesspool of a company. It is a mess. Leadership is a joke.
Fired or planned?
Good cop / bad cop but which is which?
New guy has McKinsey in bio ...