Thread regarding INVESCO Ltd. layoffs

Layoffs Coming 4th Qtr

Hearing layoffs are coming in 4th qtr for areas like technology. Anyone know if this is true and/or have additional insights?

| 1906 views | | 6 replies (last August 6, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mjgrhhB

6 replies (most recent on top)

It's so sad to see people leave. Some have been with the firm for over 30+ years. They're cutting people who are at the lower level but maybe should start at the higher (CTO) to save money.

Post ID: @1Fuou+1mjgrhhB

Yep it’s official now ,good luck for people who are leaving the organisation , it’s sad to see my good old friends in houston office to leave .

Post ID: @1Eyde+1mjgrhhB

Yeah that’s true ..myself impacted . huge job cuts across North America . Forceful retirements ,
Funny thing is initially teams were split in the name of reorganisation and they let ppl go
Now they merged again, just a zero
Sum game .

Post ID: @1Ewzn+1mjgrhhB

Yes, it's true. People are being notified this week if they were impacted.☹ One guy is on vacation & he received a 'strange' meeting invite from his manager. It was to inform him that he was being let go. Another guy has been with the firm since 1997 & he even relocated to another state about 5+ years ago. He was notified yesterday. He is a superb & smart as a whip. Hopefully, he will find an even better job!!!

Post ID: @1Afok+1mjgrhhB

Sounds plausible given earnings and expense pressures.

Post ID: @1uisa+1mjgrhhB

Rumours end of Q3. No details on which divisions will be affected

Post ID: @1pijv+1mjgrhhB

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