Thread regarding Splunk Inc. layoffs

Splunk HR

Leaving Splunk this month. I tried to bring my issue up t to HR and I was made to feel like the problem and the person who caused the issues. Instead it was a manager who was the perp. All Splunk HR did was question me and ask me if I was sure this was the issue. As if it was me who misconceived something. I heard this about them before, but I was just shocked at how complaints I had of s-xism were being questioned. It made me feel bad. the woman in HR just kept taking notes and said she would get back to me. My manager is still in his spot. Still acting the same way. I don't get it cause I have been here for some time and the treatment is just horrible. Like many I left better situations to come to splunk for more money...but it wasnt worth it at all. I am embarrassed to say I worked here. HR is not going to help you at all. If anything, you will come away looking like the problem and they want to quickly silence you or get you to leave.

| 1455 views | | 13 replies (last June 6, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mqDgsOJ

13 replies (most recent on top)

Post from

absolutely epic. I cracked up laughing cause that's exactly what it is. the sad part is, that DEI splunk was all about over the years, pure BS. like what made it worse was that it was pushed so hard, but it was all BS. the old boys network in full effect. splunk gets what they deserve and I heard more layoffs coming. got out of that dump in 2021 and never looked back. the funniest part is my company now doesn't even have to pay for security software. free with enterprise purchase of other products. hahahahahhahaha. splunk is junk.

Post ID: @ziqy+1mqDgsOJ

That’s epic. Splunk is junk, they wanna be big tech but big mess. You will meet some of the fakest people in life in there. HR are the people who can’t get jobs anywhere else and are not to be treated. They get people into the company with money and then these people realize this is the worst reason to join. Look at the mgmt. horrible.

Post ID: @zxnz+1mqDgsOJ

HR: Gender balance is of critical importance to the company
Employee: What is the percentage of women in the HR department?
HR: OK we're going to wrap up the meeting now...

Post ID: @xgqp+1mqDgsOJ

OP here. Yeah. I realize that now. I had stuff on tons of emails and slacks but worried it wasn’t enough and worried my “friends” would just bail. I’ve never been involved in something like this and worked at many companies but I’ve come to realize a lot of splunk is like high school or elementary school. I am just relieved to be gone and my family is better for it. Huge detour in my prof career but at least in the past now.

Post ID: @karq+1mqDgsOJ

HR are puppets of the company. Don’t trust them. Take all evidence, document everything and go talk to a employment lawyer.
Don’t disclose anything to the HR if you have a case.

Post ID: @hudp+1mqDgsOJ

OP here. You are 100% right. It’s ironic cause well, you know what types work in HR. Ironically enough experienced similar at the bottom barrel levels of HR. But then again if you’re doing HR at splunk, your career is kinda over. Hahaha. I don’t miss that fake*a$$ place at all. It’s a stuck pig and there about 4,000 people they could let go and not notice. It was like the weirdest “tech” company I ever worked at. I can’t wait until they hire 18 yr olds to become engineers to save money to pay back the 30 million dollar fine. Ironically all the tools they sell suck and the good ones were created by other companies. Hahahahahahah.

Post ID: @7ldb+1mqDgsOJ

@OP+1mqDgsOJ to the original poster you NEVER go to HR !!! The function of HR is not to ensure employees are happy and their needs taken care of but to destroy them when they go and complain about management. HR is there to protect the company and managers who are proxies for the company. If you had any issue your alternative is to quit and if you're being forced out obtain an attorney to negotiate a severance.


Post ID: @4sul+1mqDgsOJ

The last CHRO Kristen R. was also fired by the new dummy CEO who brought in the HR lead from his old company Proofpoint. Incestuous nepotism.

Post ID: @4bbh+1mqDgsOJ

About 5 years ago there was a gang of HR ladies who were involved in protecting a VP accused of covering up harassment. Ultimately due to legal reasons the Chief Human Resources Officer was fired and the girl gang under her became so scared they fled to startups because they were next to get fired.

Post ID: @2aii+1mqDgsOJ

Thank you. It's been such a relief to be out of there. Huge weight off my shoulders and my family can already sense I am getting back to the old me. It's just sad. Sad what people do to other people. Karma though....

Post ID: @2xgm+1mqDgsOJ

HR suxs. Nobody trust them nor I haven't heard of anyone getting support from them. Best of luck. Take care!! You'll find out that there is better life outside SPLK.

Post ID: @2hgs+1mqDgsOJ

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