Thread regarding MetLife Inc. layoffs

RIS Contracts layoffs

Anyone know when they will begin letting go people in the RIS Contracts Department?

| 1016 views | | 6 replies (last May 4, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mqbSJ9Z

6 replies (most recent on top)

So they have a list of those people who they have targeted as disposable?

Post ID: @2yjw+1mqbSJ9Z

Would not be surprised, they are spending a significant amount on technology to “help “ the team.

Post ID: @1tem+1mqbSJ9Z

RIS, along with other areas, was asked to make cost saving cuts. Change is coming soon. If the economy slips it’ll be even quicker and more extensive.

Post ID: @cng+1mqbSJ9Z

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