Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

Give us our TOILET PAPER BACK!!!

We want our toilet paper back! Show us you have an ounce of respect for your employees We dare you!

| 1635 views | | 15 replies (last May 6, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mqs1K4u

15 replies (most recent on top)

If you’re bleeding because of imperceptibly different TP, you need an @$$ doctor, nii oh T Charmin.

If you don’t realize the above statement is true, you need a head doctor, not an @$$ physician.

Either way, you need a pediatrician because your three vomited up responses in a town indicate you need to GROW UP

Post ID: @4ayu+1mqs1K4u

@OP+1mqs1K4u this time around, we should demand that the replacement TP is lined with gold, just like the ones the Execs get to wipe their golden $hiite that they spew all day!

Post ID: @4kgy+1mqs1K4u

@2uxj+1mqs1K4u This is a very appropriate discussion. Let's rub up your bu-----e with this 30 grit paper and see how comfy you are in your hot desk!

Post ID: @3ouq+1mqs1K4u

@2flr+1mqs1K4u I love when ignorance is displayed in full view. I don't consider being made to bleed a matter of being grown up. To save money which in turn is awarded to someone else for making the cost cutting at the expense of others physical injury. But of course you are brilliant and know all things to be known and because in your world this is a matter of maturity. Award of brilliance goes to you my hero!

Post ID: @3ecm+1mqs1K4u

@OP the toilet paper downgrading is just an experiment to get American workers used to the idea of no toilet paper in the future. It is part of their ESG playbook to reduce waste.

It's a little scary to think that we will soon have the terrible hygiene practices (washing our assets with water) of the country where we have outsourced our IT.

Next crisis from the unintended consequence is water shortages!

Post ID: @2smu+1mqs1K4u

No not happening. Sorry, nada. We need money to fly business class and private charters to cool (or ay) international destinations.

Post ID: @2cka+1mqs1K4u

Clogging toilet at Annandale just got harder

Post ID: @1ojp+1mqs1K4u

We need bidets. Too many people walking around w/stankass.

Post ID: @1ahc+1mqs1K4u

There's nothing wrong with the TP you wimps. It's actually better, and not like wiping with a pillow. Keep up the complaints, and the current toilets will be replaced with squat toilets to discourage reading and napping in the stalls. Thr amount of snoring I hear in the bathrooms these days is unreal.

Post ID: @esb+1mqs1K4u

Take your dump at hone. What animal seriously takes a sh-t at the office….

Post ID: @khi+1mqs1K4u

This TP is like 30 grit sand paper on my A$$. Anything to save a buck.

Post ID: @dbr+1mqs1K4u

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