Thread regarding GE Digital layoffs

GE digital is doom n 2024

GE Digital has resorted to employee layoffs to attain profitability, as evidenced by the recent round of layoffs in April 2023. This suggests that the company's emphasis is on achieving short-term financial gains rather than prioritizing long-term sustainability. The goal of these layoffs is to bring GE Digital out of the red for the first time in six years, since its inception and make itself profitable when to books are open to the public in 2024.

The company's leadership still receives 30% bonuses and travels globally the decision to lay off employees while simultaneously rewarding leadership raises questions about the company's priorities and the ethics of its leadership.

| 2441 views | | 3 replies (last September 27, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1muzgMqa

3 replies (most recent on top)

hey--if you have been impacted by layoffs from GE Digital, and you are hungry to REALLY build something that matters, please email! I am more than happy to share more deets.

Post ID: @2kahr+1muzgMqa

A second reason to lay off employees would be to sell GE Digital to achieve quick profitability. SAP would like to enter the reliability software market, but lacks core competencies and a digital solution for reliability. As a result of this move, SAP will gain highly priced oil & gas customers immediately and will focus solely on APM's oil & gas business and abandon Power.

Post ID: @Aduu+1muzgMqa

GE Digital still exists? I thought all was rolled into GE Power aka Vernova? Of course, GE Power would tear it apart and slowly consume it the way GE does to all “acquisitions”. Anyone who thought GE Digital would be allowed to exist as a separate business was dreaming.

Post ID: @3kby+1muzgMqa

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