Thread regarding MetLife Inc. layoffs

Is Metlife a lost cause?

Unfortunately, I think there are a many of us who think it is.

| 1016 views | | 3 replies (last May 10, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mwrqi8H

3 replies (most recent on top)

Yup. It’s not unfortunate.

It’s been years of greed, knowingly neglectful, sweeping everything under the rug and in the closet, not keeping up on technology..all because employees decades over decades only cared about their fat bonuses. Wash and repeat 1970s to current.

Still not spend $ correctly. Cutting corners on new technologies and solutions. Short sided patch jobs. In and out burger. The top 1 and 2 need to be removed.

And why the F do we need a former CIA official as a board member. Anyone paying attention know it was probably at Blackrocks suggestion. Globalists agenda. Pretty sick stuff if you have 1/2 a brain.

Post ID: @2pih+1mwrqi8H

Lost cause? Yes. At least for me.

I have pretty much given up on them. I need to find another job.

Post ID: @axd+1mwrqi8H

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