Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

Was anyone else begged not to leave after getting PIP'ed?

Last PDS cycle I got NI after 3 straight years of O, and I got PIP'ed because I was at XOM less than 5 years. For my performance discussion, our nasty miserable manager took a new role and we got a new manager so they were both in the room.

After our meeting, my new manager pulled me into his office and almost tried to convince me not to take the PIL and he seemed pretty stressed. Even weirder, my manager's manager called me, messaged me, emailed me, because he wanted to tell me he "saw a place for me on the team" and "valued me and my many skills". I actually took photos of the messages from both of them it was so bizarre.

WTF is wrong with XOM? What kind of mind game is that? Tell me I'm PIP'ed and then beg me not to leave?? Did anyone else have something like this happen?

I took the PIP but switched to the PIL 30 days later on the dot. (big BIG mistake to take the PIP first, take the PIL - trust me)

| 3661 views | | 24 replies (last May 16, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mzz8tgm

24 replies (most recent on top)

They probably just found out who is going to replace you lol

Post ID: @5vfz+1mzz8tgm

It’s all about the numbers and who they are afraid of.

Post ID: @5zcf+1mzz8tgm

In the required PADP training this year, the text says that if you take the PIL, doing so counts as a voluntary separation. Fine if you can get a new job quickly. Not so good if it’ll take you longer than 3 months and may want unemployment benefits.

Post ID: @3abo+1mzz8tgm

After my NSI score, even very senior folks in the organisation said ‘so what’, carry on, get better…

They knew how distressing this was for me.

Other than causing mental anguish, what are the positives for an employee of a PIP

Post ID: @2cut+1mzz8tgm

Surely with 20% in the bottom third, we should be seeing more and more people leaving. That isn’t happening. So what’s going on?

Post ID: @2oan+1mzz8tgm


"Once piped, doesn’t it mean ur career is screwed forever?"
YES. YOU ARE DONE AT EXXON. No more promotions. No more meaningful assignments. And even if you pass the PIP you are NSI material again for next year. Also, even if you pass the PIP chances of being laid off on December 31 are very very high. You should be looking for another job as soon as you're told you are PIPed and if you find one just leave. Really, just leave.

Post ID: @2acl+1mzz8tgm

I was piped last year after many back to back assignments and in the year of pip, saving the company millions.
The pip plan was also about presentations and regular work.
My manager isn’t very ethical so keeps using it at every opportunity to put me down.

I am waiting for a job offer outside.

Has anyone successfully stayed on after the pip? Once piped, doesn’t it mean ur career is screwed forever?

Post ID: @2aso+1mzz8tgm

I’ve been with the company almost two decades. My historical observations have been that the PIP was mostly used to weed out the bottom 3% of those within their first 5 years that just didn’t cut the mustard. That all changed in 2019 when they increased to 8-10%, started targeting long-time (expensive) loyal employees, while increasing headcount in India. It is clearly a targeted “lay off” implemented in the most unethical, deceitful and disgusting way possible.

Post ID: @1kdo+1mzz8tgm

@1tyr+1mzz8tgm “This” system is doomed when there is forced ranking and management must hit numeric targets. At what point do people clue in that their career development at EM hinges on a demented game of musical chairs?

Do some people deserve low rankings and a PIP? Yes. But when those people are weeded out and you force other hard-working, solid, devoted people in to those categories because someone has to go there, it is a broken system. Management telling you they have to “sort diamonds” just underscores how it’s screwed up. You must be flawless; all.the.time and no one knows when one wrong move is a trap door.

That time you offered to step up and take on a special project? Bo--y-trap! NSI for you.

If EM wants/needs to reduce the workforce - do it through proper layoffs where people aren’t demoralized and have a better financial separation than three months severance. (Or, a kick out the door if they fail the PIP.)

The personnel management component of the company is broken - and driven by extreme greed at the expense of their most VALUABLE asset, their people. I hold all of EM management accountable, seems no one has the courage to do right and speak up against the toxicity of this system. (They’d be canned, and everyone wants to protect themself…. Human Instinct 101.)

Post ID: @1nxm+1mzz8tgm

OP and other commentators was there someone on your team you would have put on a PIP? Did they get it wrong and choose someone who “deserved it” or is the whole system just doomed from the beginning with no possible way for your supervisor to do anything but put someone in NSI who really doesn’t need a structured improvement plan?

Post ID: @1tyr+1mzz8tgm

As a supervisor I don’t know of any supervisors who don’t think the system is incredibly broken.

Post ID: @1ebi+1mzz8tgm

That kind of bullcr@p from the managers to beg people to stay, in fact it is a cr@p game that "you" people stay until "you" people train the other people. Correct me if I am wrong, but the phrase that those b@stards like to use." You are a good asset to the company". I have to remind all of "you" people that the word "asset" is an object. The Midland managers like to use it a lot.

Post ID: @1pug+1mzz8tgm

very similar thing happened to me. Pip my a-s (with ZERO reasons why). "It was a tough cycle." Then, repeatedly ask me to stay. I waited till minutes before the deadline to give my decision, PIL. they were freakin hahaha I'm sure it cost them millions overall hahahaha #Winning #WeAreExxonDipShits. Bunch of clowns run that company

Post ID: @1uwa+1mzz8tgm

Yes, I think there is something to this hot desk 80%/20% business. Makes me wonder if they will pip a large percent and fail a large percent this time. This place is the PhD of gaslighting. How can these people sleep at night? How does DW sleep?

Post ID: @1wdh+1mzz8tgm

So! The hot desks accommodate 80% and they need to get 20% more out the door?

Post ID: @1tjs+1mzz8tgm

Anyone reading this looking to join XOM, DONT! PIP is being used as a layoff and induce attrition in the workforce. Solid technical contributors are being sh-t on and forced out. Management is lined with sc-mbags and cok suckers. Please do not join this company!

Post ID: @vry+1mzz8tgm

Had a similar experience as above. Was decently ranked for many years then blind sided with NSI. PIP was very difficult with various studies and presentations. Was ranked middle the next year. If management wanted me working on studies and not provide technical support to sites then that’s their fault not mine. Management is responsible for allocating and prioritizing work. Will be out of this hellhole soon to save my mental health.

Post ID: @ahr+1mzz8tgm

Yep, I got an NSI between managers; told them I was taking PIL - old manager called and told me I’d pass and to please stay. His boss called to tell me I’d pass and to please stay. HIS boss called to tell me I’d pass and to please stay. They said I was a highly valued member of the team, to which I replied, “then why did you NSI me?” They said they were sorting diamonds and thought @ my age and years with the company, I’d understand.

They thought wrong.

Post ID: @zol+1mzz8tgm

@jfd+1mzz8tgm yes agreed....No one is special and can count on being here. They only care about money and quality work has gone down the toilet with the outsourcing. I'm worried this will be a bad year for many people. I have no inside knowledge; just feelings.

Post ID: @gkv+1mzz8tgm


The only reason your "NEW" manager did not want you to take the PIL is because they needed you to transfer your knowledge to another person before they dismissed you permanently. The Manager's Manager was also concerned that his new direct report would be overwhelmed with "What should I do?" since you were no longer there to pick up the workload.

Always remember that your manager and their manager PIP'd you. Never allow them to play mind games after the fact.

Post ID: @ffc+1mzz8tgm

They want you to leave. They are still 20+% away from their employment target. If it means putting extra burden on your "new" supervisor they don't f n care. It's all about hitting the numbers first then picking through the rubble. No one is special nor really protected. Good luck to everyone and God bless.

Post ID: @jfd+1mzz8tgm

If you asked TG and her super "smart" HR team, they would come up with a positive slogan something like, "We are ExxonMobil, this is how we gaslight people here".

It is amazing isn't it. They can dump you from top to bottom in a single cycle and come up with anything bullsh-t that kinder gartner wouldn't buy it but they still sell it to you and get away with it.

Post ID: @xgv+1mzz8tgm

To add to DrPip...I wasn't begged to stay but I could tell they didn't want to loose me after they got to know me. Now this year, not sure how it will go!!

Post ID: @fov+1mzz8tgm

So---I have a similar story. I had VG for awhile then NI and pip'd due to the years service. That supervisor was as nasty as an armpit in the bowels of he-l and insulted me anyway they could in the review. In that time I was switched to a new supervisor (they were present at the dreaded ranking/pip handout) due to a reorg. New supervisor was super supportive of me and encouraged me...I did pass. For everyone it's different...and I think it's supervisor dependent and situation dependent. They may pass everyone that year or a few's hard to know. Pip wasn't hard but that was my experience

Post ID: @gie+1mzz8tgm

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