Thread regarding USAA layoffs

New Leader on Deck

What are your thoughts on this. Again, love hearing about these changes externally don’t you??? Look at what all he’s in charge of. Think we will see some building decisions soon?

| 2337 views | | 8 replies (last June 9, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1n131erV

8 replies (most recent on top)

Switching topics, is there anyone in EMG who’s in favor of remote? Or are they all focused on a strict RTO of 4 days?

Post ID: @1eqa+1n131erV

It was announced internally several weeks ago. Hes even traveled with Wayne to Phx in April. Welcome to the party!

He isn't a replacement/successor for Wayne. That is not the COS role.

Post ID: @1jwk+1n131erV

He’s an outstanding guy who joined the company months ago. Give him a chance. He’s one of the good ones. Someone to root for.

Post ID: @1xqz+1n131erV

He seems the very model of a modern major general

Post ID: @tow+1n131erV

Sounds like doubling up on RTO - strong civil engineering background

Post ID: @ckc+1n131erV

Looks like we are seeing Wayne’s replacement being onboarded.

Post ID: @djn+1n131erV

Who cares, this is a dead company, especially to workers which they screwed over the last 2 years.

Post ID: @nly+1n131erV

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