Thread regarding Windstream Corp. layoffs

Data breach?

Any news on the data breach? It’s been reported that email servers were hacked.

| 2974 views | | 7 replies (last July 26)
Post ID: @OP+1n2RNM60

7 replies (most recent on top)

Any updates? Class action suit needs to happen.

Post ID: @6Fcfv+1n2RNM60

Our Windstream email account was hacked on June 9, 2023 and hacker changed email to get access to our Facebook account. The password was then changed and we could not get into the account. Next few days hacker changed name and profile photo. We got notice from Windstream on June 13, 2023 to changed our email password because someone attempted to get access to our account. TOO LATE, HACKER ALREADY HAD POSSESSION OF OUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT. It has been a month and Facebook has been no help in getting our account back. We were lucky that we only had Facebook on the Windstream email. I heard others had bank accounts, etc. hacked.

Post ID: @txex+1n2RNM60

Wonder if this was a direct hack, or if they penetrated overseas support and had free reign.

Post ID: @awrg+1n2RNM60

@ @5fdf+1n2RNM60 It does not matter if your password is 10 or 50 character's long. They know what it is once they hack. So you can just keep dreaming that 20 will protect you.

Post ID: @akma+1n2RNM60

Is there any point where someone is held accountable for anything at this place?

Post ID: @5mky+1n2RNM60

15 character PWs not enough, time for 20!

Post ID: @5fdf+1n2RNM60

Still a problem from what I hear. Social media sites are saying hackers were able to access user passwords. Great job Windstream security team!

Post ID: @4qmz+1n2RNM60

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