Thread regarding Pearson PLC layoffs

The Market is Starving

I know you're pi---d that you've been let go but this could be the opportunity you need to create wealth for you and your family. The market needs SMALL OPM companies. All you have to do is create the infrastructure and you could be making MILLIONS from one little school. Something to think about!

| 1351 views | | 7 replies (last August 8, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1nYlc9wQ

7 replies (most recent on top)

@1jth+1nYlc9wQ This is a good time for them to beef up operations. Lots of experienced folks available.

Post ID: @2hkb+1nYlc9wQ

"If you're feeling entrepreneurial, you could form a company to help partners setup in house operations."

This company already exists. It is ten years old. I know the founder.

Post ID: @2soe+1nYlc9wQ

@2vwd+1nYlc9wQ not this way. With my direct manager and his both saying our department would not be hit all the while getting more projects. Also, never expected to not receive earned PTO payout. Also, they broke the law. Thank you for such sensitivity during this time though.

Post ID: @2tnc+1nYlc9wQ

@1yfl+1nYlc9wQ You should have trusted your gut. This was so obvious. No one can honestly say they are surprised.

Post ID: @2vwd+1nYlc9wQ

If you're feeling entrepreneurial, you could form a company to help partners setup in house operations.
Show them the benefits namely cost savings & control. Reputation would be better too. There are broader movements to curtail the market period & in house would avoid some potential upcoming issues.
Use your experience for good. Good for you. Good for your partners.

Post ID: @1jth+1nYlc9wQ

I'm guessing you are employed?! For those affected, many were told by management we were "fine". That we had a "very lean team and would not be impacted"....and then...after months of the stress of the sale and more work due to devision shifts, wrong salary and benifits showing, we get a calendar invite 30 minutes prior to a 6 minute meeting telling us "if you are in this meeting you are impacted". Then before we could say good bye to teammates we worked with for years or verify our info was correct in the system...we were locked out. On top of that, nothing to show for our years of hardworking. We didn't even get to pass our knowledge on, no severance, no PTO payout for time earned...NOTHING!

So before you get on your high horse, think about how we had to jump from one stressful situation into another with no time to breath. Yes, we are better without the company but this was not okay. So don't rainbow and unicorn the sh#$.

Post ID: @1yfl+1nYlc9wQ

Given the reputation OPMs have lately especially now that POLS did this I doubt more will be looked upon favorably by academic institutions. Not sure about this recommendation..

Post ID: @com+1nYlc9wQ

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