I’m here wondering if those that’s didn’t sign the offer letter did they get a severance package and got paid their PTO? If I remember correctly they said no sign offer letter means you resign? It irritates me knowing we lost our PTO, no severance and lost FSA. Just to think they said don’t use up your PTO it will be transferred….what a disgrace!!!!
5 replies (most recent on top)
How gross of them. “Resigning”, if you can even call it that by force, also means you’re not eligible for unemployment.
I declined my offer letter and did not receive severance. I had used all of my PTO prior to my final employment date as outlined by denying the offer letter, but Pearson did an audit to determine how many hours of vacation time I had and updated it in Fusion (I was -60 based on accrual). Because of the audit, I believe those with a positive balance may have been paid out unused vacation time, although I can’t say for certain.
There is no requirement to pay severance but to take away PTO after discouraging it's use is a problem. That would have been your money. Although you can't access it now, the pay you saw in Total Rewards included your PTO. It specifically says that your PTO is part of your total rewards, not in addition to it.
Wouldn't it be a Lay Off if you didn't transfer to a New Company? That's not resigning from you current company. The division of your current company no longer exists. If you got hired on to the new company, that's an " opportunity " but you are employee of the new company if you choose this.
Nope, no severance to those who didn't sign the letter. HR said it was a resignation, not job loss, so it didn't fall under the realm of severance. They did everyone dirty!