Thread regarding Rent-A-Center Inc. layoffs

Conference call sounds like a club for like 10 minutes

Want to know about a culture of playing and not doing anything. Check out a conference call sometime in the new Orleans area. Every store there is gross and the employees are just as nasty. Regional manager incubates that culture. Log into teams and join us for a turnt up club call

| 1216 views | | 9 replies (last August 4, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1nnRJ1ye

9 replies (most recent on top)

Crazy how they punish employees for people not paying by making them stay late wonder why everyone keeps quitting this job . They want to track you in the truck doing pointless runs to people who already moved ,won't open the door even have their kids lying for them they need a better way a better customer then the people they force stuff on too . That's why I just don't care anymore. Been working at this place a year feels like 5 years trying to get out ..

Post ID: @zlfz+1nnRJ1ye

Everything they say is true here

Post ID: @wgoc+1nnRJ1ye

Same ole same ole rac, the only thing that changed is the stock ticker. They don't care about their employees or customers."THEY" will never change, all you that work there should quit or form a union, lol!

Post ID: @qper+1nnRJ1ye

I wonder if anyone actually reads these that are in the company headquarters or knows about this site . Because instead of those surveys they send out about how you feel about the company so they can single you out and fire you they can just come here were people can actually put their true feeling about this place without fearing for their Jobs . Can't expect people to care about this Job when the company doesn't at all care about you expect no vacation time when your dm has taken 5 vacations already but denied everyone's else's can't request no time off even if it's just 1 extra day you need like a normal company if your sick even when you have sick time you get harassed all day with the dm texting you making you feel bad . So many things are ridiculous at this company that are not normal 1 bit . You get harassed with updates and messages how bad your store is going or whatever it maybe because you can't get people to pay they threaten to stay late in the night knocking on the same door where no one answers ever . This is a few of many reasons why people don't like this place until they change up top this place will never get anywhere because alot of the employees feel the same way why should they work or do anything extra for a place that treats them sub human their policies are stuck back in time current expectations this generation is different and should be updated to the standards of a normal business everything they do is just terrible. And why do I need to use my personal phone to get harassed all day even after hours my data my battery no where did I give them permission to harass me on my phone when there is the store phone and store email. When I say harassed 70 texts a day I had to block the dm from my phone and tell him don't got a number no more I don't like how this places treats people it's out the ordinary how they conduct themselves.

Post ID: @nqzt+1nnRJ1ye

I keep saying it just waiting to see its become shove products down people throats. Then they can't afford it and bounce. Hearing the dm talk about collecting is just sick it's not even are problem you got so many people stealing it the direction this company is going then act like you control their money and they will pick the phone up or open the door . Say I do 20 runs not even joking out of those I counted 14 homes I heard people inside but no one comes to the door other ones were not home I believe its disgusting what this company has become . Wonder why they are losing a dang boat load on skips . Since ps5 has come out we had least 45 customers skip with them its crazy it all comes to how they approve people literally just taking their word and pray they pay you or you will be hounded for 90 days by the dm like you control the customer which keep in mind rac ,aarons when you shop at one of these stores you burned every other option you have and su-k as a human to begin with then they expect Crack heads to pay you on time I agree with the statement on here someone said about co worker happiness I kid you not ,there is no soul I've seen working at rac that's happy at all even the dm is soulless worked with a coworker who dad died during the funeral he showed me his phone guy is texting and calling him when he will be back get out this job well you can before these type of places close because it will eventually happend the amount they are losing every month one store alone see the reports having 45 charge offs that's one 10 stores to a dm on a good week lucky if you don't see 300 or more charge offs with all the stores

Post ID: @kpvg+1nnRJ1ye

Just looked on indeed RAC is low in every category for employee happiness, and a bunch of categories . Job is horrible keep hiring they are so desperate they don't even need to take a dr-g test now crazy ..

Post ID: @ktyr+1nnRJ1ye

Place is a dead end job follow your own dreams instead of making someone else's dream come true. You don't own the merchandise these low lifes rent and don't return or pick up the phone it's their fault they approve these people not you .

Post ID: @devt+1nnRJ1ye

Can't get good help every person I've worked with smells hygiene is so bad the people they are hiring no decent person with a brain wants these jobs I am trying to get our myself place is a open door . They don't allow vacations or time off at all .. literally been denied 5 vacations and I am burnt out I could careless about them as they could careless about their employees

Post ID: @2xbe+1nnRJ1ye

The more "they" change the more "they" remain the same

Post ID: @2wdy+1nnRJ1ye

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