Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

The future does not look bright

Company is losing subs every day so will need to cut headcount to keep margin looking good. Rather than cut executive bonuses, they'd rather get rid of the worker bees which is fine if they start rolling up their sleeves, but alas they don't.

Each layoff will help them survive another year but will need to keep chopping with the state they are in.

Look, they cannot even properly negotiate local news contracts...they will end up paying more and then reduce more heads to offset. Losing game with increasing content costs and SG&A. That combined with declining subs and revenues (price hikes will only hide the losses so long and then exacerbate the losses as people realize you can get a lot of groceries a month with their satellite bill money. You do the math.

Original poster @1lwg+1nshUzzb.
I agree. You?

| 1291 views | | 6 replies (last September 5, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1nyqttfU

6 replies (most recent on top)

You're just now realizing this? Directv has been a sinking ship for a while. I work at a broadcast center, and they are considering renting out office space to another company. The end is near. I can't imagine another company buying them. Dish would be the obvious choice, but they have the same problems.

Post ID: @Ugfh+1nyqttfU

NOT surprising. Still do not have channel 5...local station. Another round to pay their retransmission fees as expected. What's the word on the street?

Post ID: @nhvg+1nyqttfU

Heard another layoffs coming up soon.

Post ID: @mjrx+1nyqttfU

It seems that Directv is reaching the end of its lifespan and it's unlikely that it will make a comeback. Perhaps it's best to keep an eye out for a potential buyer who can acquire it at a lower cost.

Post ID: @hmhw+1nyqttfU

People forget local channels are free. I'm thinking Amazon is in a prime spot as the content consolidator. When I peruse this "free" service with my prime membership, it points me to different content providers as well as free news. Just need the ability to rabbit ears the free channels back and forth and they are golden to eliminate retransmission fees.

Post ID: @1rkj+1nyqttfU

"DIRECTV customers lost access to 159 local stations operated by Nexstar Media Group Inc. after the two sides failed to reached a new distribution agreement."

DTV cannot pay the bills to keep their programming. Expect more of this, further layoffs and then no choice for a DISH merger to delay the inevitable.

Post ID: @lsn+1nyqttfU

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