It has started. We all knew it was coming after the latest earnings report. There is only so much a certain segment can lose before those at the top decide it's time to make significant cuts. I just hope this will not be as bad as some of us think it's going to be. Good luck all!
3 replies (most recent on top)
There should be a tax law penalizing off shoring or hiring h1b visa. We should increase corporation taxes when they displace us for cheaper labors.
It is already 20 years too late, and everyone is still sleeping.
Different division here - Comcast Business: My spouse and about at least 100+ developers (mostly contractors) got termination notices Monday (effective end of August). Seems very significant and likely to continue. Maybe they intend to find cheaper people to do the job, who knows? Lucky for executives though phew, they didn't lose, they get to keep large (and vastly increasing) comp packages (multi million dollar raises yoy mind you) while they hand down layoffs to a large amount of individuals without a peep (ahh I love the smell of business in the morning) Perhaps this move will help smooth out the balance sheet without much commotion, considering most are contracted. (Queue earnings call prep house cleaning music). Well, if any managers or 'manager types' (bunch of bs roles) are reading this, and you were fortunate enough to keep your job.. become a vertebrate and push for these people to be so graciously allotted the time to find new jobs without having to worry about this incredibly meaningful work they have to do (yes that was sarcasm for any robots reading this). Ah well, at least they were warned.. kidding.. of course they weren't!
how significant? haven't heard a peep but I am in a different division