Thread regarding Farmers Insurance layoffs

WARN Notices going out as of today

Got the following as of today:

Seems WARN notices are going out today, got one letting me know they will be adding a 2 additional months onto the 'termination date' to 'be consistent with the federal Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act'. Updated severance and agreement documents will be going out no later than 18th of Sept...

| 1753 views | | 3 replies (last September 19)
Post ID: @OP+1oAl0Sbm

3 replies (most recent on top)

Original poster here, it appears to only affect those who's manager (or manager's manager) reported from the Woodland Hills location. I apologize for reporting semi-inaccurate information regarding this however because I wasn't working anywhere near the Woodland Hills office (nor anywhere near California for that matter) I didn't expect it to be related to that, but it is.

Post ID: @6lhk+1oAl0Sbm

well, it's 9-18 and there were no layoff notices today - is what you posted accurate?

Post ID: @6nkg+1oAl0Sbm

When did you get this? I did not receive this? Did you receive by email?

Post ID: @1ytb+1oAl0Sbm

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