Thread regarding General Motors layoffs



| 4021 views | | 30 replies (last October 26, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1oXLcS2j

30 replies (most recent on top)

Any lateral transfers yet? The HR seems to be so slow in processing. H1 visa holders feeling the heat because of a probable govt. shutdown.

Post ID: @kbnn+1oXLcS2j

And quality.

Post ID: @gqxy+1oXLcS2j

NCHs and H1Bs keep software costs low.

Post ID: @gmer+1oXLcS2j

So 9 out of 10 aren't, and the clock is ticking.

Post ID: @gkag+1oXLcS2j

1 in 10 are getting interviews for a lateral transfer.

Post ID: @gvbz+1oXLcS2j

Well, good ones don't want to work for what they want to pay.

Post ID: @ghrh+1oXLcS2j

The most surprising thing revealed by this thread is that GM has software developers.

Post ID: @ecun+1oXLcS2j

They like to give you hope, but in the past they've closed positions and frozen positions, so it's just a license to hunt before you go past the deadline to find another job.

Post ID: @cqlx+1oXLcS2j

Is anyone successful with internal transfer?

Post ID: @cxmo+1oXLcS2j

@3rth+1oXLcS2j how much is that?

Post ID: @3kaa+1oXLcS2j

Standard in the employee handbook

Post ID: @3rth+1oXLcS2j

How is the layoff package?

Post ID: @3lqs+1oXLcS2j

We have heard about a 60 day ultimatum before.
Was anyone given the ultimatum able to actually apply, interview and get hired for another position inside the 60 days?

Side note: Can we cut the UAW salary cr-p?

Post ID: @2fyz+1oXLcS2j

Who said anything about working on EVs? And who said I hate EVs? SMH Are you okay? Did you read what I wrote?
We work on all kinds of projects. Military, alternative fuels, EV, ICE...

Bottom line is that you didn't read what I wrote, or you didn't understand. Collectivists in the UAW make less than their salary counterparts. Many of my coworkers have been with GM for many decades. We don't get laid off every time the UAW has a tantrum. It happens and sometimes we lose good people, but more often than not, we don't. Also, your job security is a myth. Plants are closed all the time. We aren't buying it. Bottom line is that i'm not mad, you are.

"@2ueo+1oXLcS2j" said "total comp"; assume that means bonus, benefits, salary combined. That sounds about right to me. As to why they don't work for Google, not everyone wants to live on the west coast. I get it... I could make much more working there too but I choose to live in Michigan. I'm assuming others feel the same.

Post ID: @2snf+1oXLcS2j

Bottom line Union is always the way to go. This sure makes some salaried mad. Union insures fairness, good pay and safety for all. Salary folks can be ha-ging ch-ds, employees at will and they well know it. Salaried signs a contract with the business, it favors the business of course. Salaried will not bunch together in agreement to unionize but they do have the strength to scoff and try to mock Union employees. They basically stand on the sideline and howl.

Post ID: @2kxu+1oXLcS2j


Have you been doing EV design for all those jobs even though you hate EVs?

Post ID: @2xyp+1oXLcS2j


Do you really think the average software engineer at GM makes 200k?

Maybe at Google.

At GM the average is probably more like 100k.

Post ID: @2tuy+1oXLcS2j

Yes! You have the right to negotiate your own severance. You can ask for more money, training, outplacement services, etc. There's a reason it's not more widely talked about. You violate the terms of the NDA if you talk about it. Also, what company wants you to know you have leverage??? You don't have to sign anything and can then hire a lawyer. Of course this could backfire in your face. You could end up with nothing AND a bill from your lawyer. Every action has risks. There's no easy answer, so do what is best for you and your family.

You could hire a really big team in India for 200k. How many Mexicans can you hire with the yearly wages of one UAW worker? Assume goodness.

Yes. Your leaders sold you out. You had a false belief that lead you to trust UAW leaders against your own best interests. Since well before the bankruptcy, the UAW leaders have taken kickbacks against the best interests of the members. Many are in jail, including (2) UAW presidents. That's why there's been no COLA since 2009.

"Hey salaried workers, have you been able to negotiate your annual raise? Get more money than they planned to give you?"
Yes, every single time. If you work hard, help others, and document your achievements you get the biggest raise available, at least at corporations like GM. I have gotten the max bonus and raise every year since I started and I can assure you, it's much much more than anyone in the UAW. Have you ever gotten a $20-30k bonus? Many 7th and 8th level non-union have many times. The management is not my enemy. We are all working toward the same goal. If you worth WITH them, you get rewarded. That's how it works outside of the collectivist mentality. That's a WINNER'S mindset. Doing the minimum while complaining and threatening walkouts and calling in sick is a loser mentality.
You can be bitter and curse at me and I'll be sitting here sipping coffee in my paid-off home. It's true. I have no debt. Because I used those big bonuses to keep my head above water. #winning And before you gripe about how you have better job security - I have been laid off as an engineer but I was always able to get a job quickly and for more money. 100% true. Transferable, valuable skills vs manual labor anyone can do.

Post ID: @2ffa+1oXLcS2j

Those software engineers make bank.

Assuming 200k a year total comp which is probably even conservative, that's $36M the strike is going to redistribute back to us in raises and benefits :D

Post ID: @2ueo+1oXLcS2j

A lot of people have false beliefs that make them do things against their own interests.

Post ID: @1luc+1oXLcS2j

Has anyone negotiated a better severance package when they got laid off?

Post ID: @1uba+1oXLcS2j

Salaried workers have been brainwashed into thinking unions are bad and they're all geniuses who can negotiate better compensation totally alone.

Hey salaried workers, have you been able to negotiate your annual raise? Get more money than they planned to give you?

Even when you're interviewing, you don't have much negotiating power. You might be able to get the company to move a little, but mostly the company's offer is take it or leave it.

The idea that salaried workers are in the cat bird's seat and can negotiate great deals is a myth.

But so many salaried workers have been brainwashed to believe it despite the evidence of their own experience.

Post ID: @1ksq+1oXLcS2j

I wonder why nobody unionizes Wall Street or the big private banks? That's where the billionaire class hangs out... sending software developers on their way isn't a very good sign of where this is going. Kind of like "oh look, there's an iceberg just a tick off the bow."
Just a little frozen water, nothing to worry about, this here is what's called unsinkable. There's got to be a better way to run a company than this turn of the century system.

Post ID: @1xie+1oXLcS2j

Also hearing that all Temps at Orion assembly were released today....

"Effective Monday,October 9th,you will be released from your temporary position at General Motors Orion Assembly Plant. You will be released in good standing and eligible for future employment opportunities."

Post ID: @1nsb+1oXLcS2j

Yes. I was there. 10:35 am. Teams meeting. After painful deliberation and blah and blah, you're no longer needed. Btw, there's the workday link and severance package. Have a good day right from the Executive Director's mouth.

Post ID: @1emv+1oXLcS2j

If the ends justify the means, great.
It’s a spiritual war against the billionaire class. We won’t stop until we get our fair share! Fire all of them. We don’t care.

Post ID: @cho+1oXLcS2j

Condolences to the 180 that got Mary’d today.

Post ID: @ynj+1oXLcS2j

The strike is working although sad to see anyone get laid off along the way. Hang on thru this storm as it will be worth it in better wages, benefits and possible call backs later. Like turbulence in an airplane, it does get better and a good landing does come soon.

Post ID: @gal+1oXLcS2j

Hire and Fire

Post ID: @fnx+1oXLcS2j

This might help:

"Most of the positions are in software validation and program management."
There's a paywall but you get the gist.

Post ID: @dbg+1oXLcS2j

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