Natalie Yahr here, local economy reporter with the Cap Times. I've heard that AmFam may be planning more major layoffs. Anyone know anything about this? I can be reached at
9 replies (most recent on top)
Amfam has laid off competent employees with niche skillset who were contributing heavily to make their application stable. One of the Amfams Boston based company laid off extremely talented people because they were paid more than the long tenured lethargic, lazy and jealous leadership who had nothing to contribute. They have given free hand to some of long tenured incompetent directors, engineering managers and avps to hire incompetent contractors and laid off strong technical leads. My team had bunch of contractors whom I interviewed and I am laid off getting all the work I did in silver plate. There has been strong escalations to the human resource and employee relations about how the leadership twisted the hierarchy to lay off people. They changed the role of competent technical leads to a different role of Individual contributors and wiped them off. Pls publicize this. I can validate this anonymously.
Hi Natalie, I'm happy to speak with you anonymously if you are still interested in information on this. I will forward an email shortly.
@Natalie: I was impacted by the October layoffs, but am unlikely to go on record, even anonymously because:
- The company provided me very little information about the reason I was laid off beyond a canned statement. Most of what I know is rumor/unconfirmed.
- Internally, the company has provided virtually no information regarding what is happening. You have to know someone to know something.
- As I understand it, the majority of the impacted employees worked on IT/project management type efforts- some of it is pretty niche. If making an anonymous comment, it would be very easy to accidentally identify oneself by describing their dept or nature of their work.
- The company offers the option of severence or another (open/hiring) role within the company (provided they're selected via the standard interview process). People considering staying/moving to another role are likely scared to jeopardize that.
It looks like they are using a lot of semi indirect means first, a lot of recent retirements appear to have been forced, coming up is a huge title and compensation restructure that will ruffle feathers. I've heard 1500 over multiple years/waves only thing I've seen concrete is 14m in "cost saving measures" nice care packages seem to ensure this is discreet.
I hate that companies are always trying to make money!
very interesting.
There will be at least 300+ staff let go by the end of the year.
Thank you both very much. Yes, I saw this Reddit post earlier today. I'd like to write about this, but the company has provided very little info, so in order to write about it I'd need at least one person to go on the record about it (as in tell me what they know and who they are, even if I can't identify them in the story). If anyone has inside info on this and is willing to talk with me, even anonymously, please email me at
It’s true. Approximately 100 Director/VP positions are about to be eliminated followed by a reorganization as teams are redistributed among those left standing. No information about further individual contributor layoffs, but it’s likely given how contentious 2024 budgeting has been.