Hello, all. I’m looking for intel on PM jobs at Pearson. How stable is that role or part of the company? Or should I run the other way? With all the layoffs across EdTech, I want to make sure I don’t apply and end up cut in a few months.
4 replies (most recent on top)
Pearson rides on its name only now— and even that has become a liability.
Pearson USED to pay well, compared to other book publishers. But the ecosystem has changed and it’s a software company now.
But it still justifies peanuts for salary because its education…..never have I seen a more obedient group of CEOs deliver the whims of the board at any time. Need 1000 cut to make the balance sheet look better? No problem!
After working at seven different jobs, I can confidently say that my current job is the worst in my career. I came across a post on teamblind.com's forum where someone shared a web-scraped data with surveys about 1400 companies, covering aspects like overall culture, compensation, career progress, and management. Surprisingly, Pearson was rated among the lowest. In my experience, it feels like I'm rewarded for doing a bad job, and punished for doing a good job. It seems like the company is heading towards a collective su----e
This post can’t be real…..
Don't even think of working for Pearson. It's not a question of whether you're going to get booted - it's just when. And, the compensation is laughable.