GE Greenville will be losing manufacturing jobs to overseas plants soon. Layoff packages are in the works.
9 replies (most recent on top)
Thanks to Union Strikes, GM has decided to layoff over 800 in Michigan. Way to go Unions
@3bwi+1pV8R1jH, a strong union? Under union watch the place has gone from 3,000+ employees to 700. Think again
Unions are the reasons companies close union plants and move to non union states or countries. Unions make it impossible to be competitive in a world market. Unlike simple layoffs, union plants are closing and moving to Hungary, Mexico, China, India, Italy, etc. Visit Gary Indian, Detroit, or other areas to tour the results of union controlled areas. Unions are worse than nuclear bo--s when it comes to destruction of jobs and cities.
Maybe they should Unionize instead of being freeloaders. If you had a contract and layoffs were actually going to happen you would be in a much better situation. I don't feel bad them.
You must have forgot or didnt know, two years ago almost now, they signed a 10 year contract for gas turbines and blades being made up in NY, Schenectady Cores and Castings. They invested millions into that facility to ensure they could pump out the blades needed for new build contracts and all the service work they had lined up. Sounds good to post lay offs on a layoff site, you should just know if there is actually layoffs before posting bs, many of us pay attention and dont forget things.
Layoffs are like pruning a tree, makes the tree healthier
Layoffs have ALWAYS been GE’s most consistent business model. The data speaks for itself.
Based on Greenville’s historical layoff cycle, it’s definitely time once again. Layoffs are cyclical at GE Greenville and happen like clockwork!
Fake News as usual!!!53