Thread regarding Schlumberger Ltd. layoffs

What do people think of the brand change one year on?

many customers still refer to by former name; ask not to use the blue slides and strange font as hard to read

| 1445 views | | 4 replies (last May 31)
Post ID: @OP+1piGQAJK

4 replies (most recent on top)

It’s a gimmick that tries to make us look like a hip tech company instead of the oil and gas service company we are. The revenue is still tied to oil and gas. Doesn’t matter if you wear a sports coat over your t-shirt.

Post ID: @3vqmt+1piGQAJK

Rebranding has its consequences if people are awake enough now to see it. After the great Covid layoff of 2020, it was crucial that rebranding the logo was in the order of the current times, an awakening. As aboveā€¦ so below; speaks volumes and the logo says it all, look at it carefully with a realistic open mind.

Post ID: @3qtdi+1piGQAJK

It was a nice little bump for a year and a half on the stock market, but just like every other major re-branding at Schlumberger it didn't produce squat. So now the stock has tanked again and you are stuck with a stupid name instead of a recognized name within the industry. Great job.

Post ID: @3plgq+1piGQAJK

The markets love it because now we are seen as a real technology company and not associated with oil and gas, climate change, etc. Very smart move by our CEO

Post ID: @hlgi+1piGQAJK

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