Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

McKinsey effectively run the company now

They only answer to the majority shareholders...

All these transformations don’t seem to have helped the share price though...

| 1252 views | | 5 replies (last November 9, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1ptuOTvi

5 replies (most recent on top)

I think you mean “ineffectively running the company”

Post ID: @2fiz+1ptuOTvi

Sad. That’s why it’s important to remember… always treat everyone kindly; your employer is an employer, no “family” nonsense; and a job is just a job

Post ID: @2trr+1ptuOTvi

It must really sting when as a VP you’ve championed the transformations, laid off staff, closed down/sold off global units/subsidiaries and outsourced labor; to then be told well done on your efforts and achievements and oh by the way you’re next.

Post ID: @2yxx+1ptuOTvi

Prudential has McKinsey. Citi has BCG… “project bora bora”. Big 3 runs corp America

Post ID: @gim+1ptuOTvi

McKinsey only cares about McKinsey. We are all numbers on their spreadsheet.

Post ID: @lal+1ptuOTvi

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