Thread regarding General Electric Co. layoffs

A new era

Well the local 301 leadership was basically overthrown yesterday. Long over due! Will the local GE wake up now and start to end the games? The exposing is going to start, hope everyone is watching closely.

| 1526 views | | 24 replies (last May 6)
Post ID: @OP+1q4qVbr4

24 replies (most recent on top)

Buckle up. The ride has only just started.

Post ID: @2kneh+1q4qVbr4

Not by GE standards.

Post ID: @1Bxda+1q4qVbr4

Honesty is the best policy.

Post ID: @1obfo+1q4qVbr4

I would rather have a honest 301 leadership fall on their face trying then a corrupt greedy mafioso one just going alone for the ride with the company for special favors.

Post ID: @1bpdw+1q4qVbr4

Would like to see the new union leadership meet with GE as once initiated and work to further leverage the CA and Lean activities. Going down another 100-125 employees makes sense to me,

Post ID: @ewbh+1q4qVbr4

Playing the game is how things get done.

Post ID: @dxjx+1q4qVbr4

Play ball is my motto!

Post ID: @dpum+1q4qVbr4

Wouldn't it be great if these people put this kind of energy into their work. We would all be rich.

Post ID: @dwfv+1q4qVbr4

GE needs to bd able to rely on full union cooperation. Members needs are important but less so that the Int’l or GE’s

Post ID: @czyi+1q4qVbr4

This is far from a game my friend. Playing dirty pool might be your game but GE better get on the ball and clean themselves up. The future will hold more information sharing for all.

Post ID: @awgr+1q4qVbr4

The new era will bring on folks that don't know how to "play the game" and lead to the closure of the site.

Post ID: @7cou+1q4qVbr4

I'm bringing in the cake and ice cream Monday for a big celebration.

Post ID: @2xdn+1q4qVbr4

Prove your worth more keep working all the OT you can. Talk the big talk but for some reason we never get to walk the talk.

Post ID: @2zdt+1q4qVbr4

Do other IUE locals officers get a stipend? This information might help with resolving a fair stipend or no stipend at all.

Post ID: @1kvt+1q4qVbr4

Why don’t we work harder and accept the fact that nothing will change. GE/Vernova will not close this place even if we walked for a legitimate real world issue.
They have to much work coming in if we were to get back the $10 plus an hour with no pension option it would be great. We all know it won’t happen no one had the guts to pull it off or even threaten to walk over a real world issue.
Plus they hired a bunch of new members who most of them came from making peanuts for wages. They will offset votes because they are new and scared.
So this is what they did the last time then after the contract they moved work out and laid off people. 150 or so on the first wave.
So make a rainy day fund with the OT! And hope that we walk for what’s right for us and our family’s.

Post ID: @1ulh+1q4qVbr4

Just a new bunch of names, nothing will change. The stipend ensures this. Why can't they work overtime like everybody else? Enjoy your ride on the gravy boat.

Post ID: @1fhj+1q4qVbr4

The out going officers will be put back on the job they left or upgraded to while they pretended to be all about us and not themselves.

Post ID: @rso+1q4qVbr4

Can the outgoing President and BA actually work a day on the shop floors? They have road the gravy $$$ train for many years now, how do they adapt to the work life they have agreed to force the membership to deal with? I hope they suffer with the rest of us, but i bet they made or are making deals as we speak to ensure they wont work another day until they retire!

Post ID: @fts+1q4qVbr4

Their reign has come to an end. This is a day for 301 to celebrate, our members decided to take back their power, the collective will benefit instead of the corrupt “family(s)” that’ve been enriching themselves on our dime for the past 20 years. This is a good change, one that was needed. Schenectady has a Union once again.

Post ID: @exy+1q4qVbr4

Everything comes to an end. It’s just a matter of time. This is a day to celebrate 301. This was a major step for our members. Change was needed. We should be proud that a 20 year run of family affairs has ended.

Post ID: @rqj+1q4qVbr4

Nothing is going to happen. No targets on Union peoples back's. HR would never do that stuff. Just be grateful for all the work we have right now. I’m sure it will dry up once Vernova takes a look at all the OT rates.

Post ID: @lav+1q4qVbr4

Congratulations 301, you may finally have a real Union again after 20+ years of corruption. This is only the beginning of people being held accountable. The law will take care of the rest. Won’t be long before we know the result of the criminal investigation.

Post ID: @ueq+1q4qVbr4

The author if this post couldnt be more CORRECT! We have had enough of the games, the collusion, the embezzlement, the entitlement, all of it. They and their supporters will pay the price now and its their own damn fault . Do these guys even know what work is anymore? What happens when the new Hr folks take over and these clowns get targeted like they have helped hr do to others for years? Its gonna be a great show.

Post ID: @bmu+1q4qVbr4

Get to work and stop complaining

Post ID: @hyg+1q4qVbr4

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