Thread regarding Illumina Inc. layoffs

Layoffs are definitely done for now

I was afraid there'd be more cuts today, but I think we can say with certainty now that it's over. At least for this round. We all know it's never fully over when it comes to cuts at Illumina.

| 1831 views | | 4 replies (last January 17, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+1qAUQhUQ

4 replies (most recent on top)

Anything this week?

Post ID: @2lki+1qAUQhUQ

R u really sure there will be no more layoffs, I don’t believe that.

Post ID: @qev+1qAUQhUQ

… Today is a national holiday. Many folks are off. Be patient.

Rest assured, the great-Illumina-collapse continues onward tomorrow :)

Post ID: @vhe+1qAUQhUQ

With certainty? How so?

Post ID: @byz+1qAUQhUQ

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