Accenture is helping ki-l AIG, one bad claim setup at a time... Incorrect claims, incorrect corrections and it can take weeks for corrections. But i guess that special business relationship is too important to care.....
3 replies (most recent on top)
And yet Repko was supposedly forced into retirement because of the Accenture f@#$up if the rumors on this site are to be believed. If true, C-suite still wants to pretend this selling-of-soul, deal-with- the Accenture-devil deal is successful. The rate it's going there won't be anyone left for PZ to crow about how great everything is, except Accenture Manila
In a way AIG is helping to build a bigger and stronger Accenture by hiring those folks most of whom are outsourced jobs to other countries for cheap labor and inexperienced staff who care less about AIG and are bringing the company down piece by piece …very bad indeed
You reap what you sow. AIG has decided to cut costs by going with Accenture.....hows it working out?