How do we get info on what BL has been up to? I know they are not a part of Pearson anymore but I don't see they have a page on here that exists and I don't think just anyone can create one.
6 replies (most recent on top)
No other OPM would want Boundless Learning and the complete mess that Regent made of it! All of the partners already want out so there isn't any benefit to deal with the carnage.
I have no doubt there will be more layoffs since partners are not likely to continue contracts with the way things have gone. Can't believe how things have changed. Would not be surprised if it is sold off again/absorbed by another OPM. It would make a lot of sense.
LOL. Today’s TH was a joke. Talking about 2025! There’s not going to be a 2025. Regent is cutting back a lot more than was discussed today. Spring is a miss. Summer is a miss. Fall is an impossibility with the marketing spending cuts. They let go of the sales team a few weeks ago. But let’s plan another International boon doggle…we need those airline and hotel points before they turn off the lights.
The next cut will be EAs in May before the Memorial Day holiday to save vacation hours. If you’re not looking to get out after today’s TH, your crazy.
Boundless layoff was 15% they said. I bet it won't be the last. I was in the first blood bath last year. My advice to all staff at all levels - get out as fast as you can. It's so much better other places.
Huge layoff yesterday at Boundless. No warning just a zoom meeting and one hour of notice. Entire grams got cut
I wish there was somewhere people could post about Boundless Learning and what Regent is doing. Regent's latest victim is Cheddar News:
How do they keep doing this over and over?