Thread regarding Atos layoffs

ATOS syntel(eviden) town halls are a joke - What is the message teh CEo &deliery office are tryng to convey

ATOS syntel(eviden) town halls are a joke - What is the message th CEo & delivery officer are tryng to convey.

Things are not happening - No one knows what is the goal of firm and where it is heading......
One things is clear it is moving down bottom less pit....
retaining the hopeless old management team is a blunder..............ATOS unable to correct...

| 1163 views | | 1 reply (March 8)
Post ID: @OP+1qUrfGYY

1 reply

Laid off from Eviden this month, hope I'm appreciated at my next job more. Top quality work performed by employees, only to used up and tossed out.

Post ID: @xbbl+1qUrfGYY

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