Thread regarding Schlumberger Ltd. layoffs

Schlumberger Layoffs 2024

How likely is that there will be Schlumberger layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

| 5223 views | | 7 replies (last September 25)
Post ID: @OP+1qk8aXwv

7 replies (most recent on top)

For 2024 they want to cut 10% and they are well on their way while being in an uplift. Never seen this before. The ones that stay behind will get additional workload on their already extra workload they got on top of the extra workload they got before that...
Be carefull doing business with SLB as so many people are totally overworked having their final drops of life sqeeuzed out of them. Easy mistakes that lead to disaster are close and don't expect deadlines will be met.

Post ID: @4mozd+1qk8aXwv

Layoffs in 2024 on SLB has started!

Post ID: @2Rtji+1qk8aXwv

did the CEO announce headcount reduction? I missed the Monday meeting ...

Post ID: @20ybm+1qk8aXwv

I heard that some contractors already trimmed in D&I

Post ID: @Mnzj+1qk8aXwv

Why do you post the same phishing message on all the major oilfield service providers board?

Post ID: @hzua+1qk8aXwv

Does SLB offer early retirement incentive packages before layoffs?

Post ID: @dfqu+1qk8aXwv

Of course there will be layoffs…it’s Schlumberger…

Post ID: @4mrp+1qk8aXwv

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