Will there be any Parker Hannifin layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
32 replies (most recent on top)
Parker say no redundancies , but on the quiet the are making people redundant who they do not want ,Sales Company Uk being one of these , is it happening anywhere else , anything they say now will not be believed just a bunch of liars
Rumours are starting to circulate with regards to Voluntary Redundancies being offered shortly. Should be interesting?
October 2024 Layoff Reply, if anything is illegally done report it to the Office of Federal Contractors Division, Equal Opportunity Commission, and State Wage and Hour Divisions.
Should I be worried of a layoff if I’m at the Industrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division in Lancaster NY?
I agree fully with last statement , 30 billion in the Parker bank to acquire businesses in certain areas ie , Electrification , Hydrogen, Aerospace etc, we are going the same way as Eaton/Vickers and getting rid of the power and motion , hydraulics , pneumatics , hose and fittings etc days are numbered , investment companies keep acquiring our distributors , lay offs may be on the way everywhere
"I know people impacted by Parker Hannifin's October 2024 layoffs, and the way they were treated is appalling. The severance package was an insult — just one week for each year worked, as if their dedication meant nothing. Even worse, Parker didn’t even bother to follow WARN Act requirements to notify employees properly. They’re laying people off while holding billions aside for new acquisitions, making it painfully clear that profits and expansion matter more than their employees' livelihoods. Parker Hannifin’s actions show a blatant disregard for the people who helped build this company."
I overheard the same with salary managers particularly. This will be end of the month early November.
There will be more salary employees laid off this month. The hourly were performed the end of September beginning of October. Under performing plants.
Any word on other locations? Heard rumors of more parker layoffs recently.
They have laid off several in Cary NC and the severance package was next to nothing. which is sad because the company is has been hitting record profits for the last 5 years. Could not find WARN notice for NC but I think this is because they are doing 1 or 2 a day
HCS offering separation package to all salaried employees.
250 people furloughed today at Parker exotic today in Airway Heights Wa
Anyone else getting the vibe something is coming down for Aerospace due to Boeing?
I just heard September too. The layoffs will be based on “problem employees “ bad evaluations low productivity.
Any word about layoffs at Parker Lord?
will lay off 114 employees at 595 Shelter Road, Lincolnshire, Illinois on October 4, 2024, as indicated in a WARN notice
I’ve heard September is a round
Although the staffing was 39 workers, I would double check federal and state mandates regarding the Warn Act. It is also terrible thing for a company to do. Blindside the employees is very disingenuous.
Industrial Process Filtration Shelby, NC facility closed 5/29/24 with no notice. 39 displaced workers. Too little staffing to warrant WARN Act.
Industrial Process Filtration Shelby, NC facility closed 5/29/24 with no notice. 39 displaced workers. Too little staffing to warrant WARN Act.
Parker entertaining bids on composites division is a great move because it’s a better alternative than plant closures and additional layoffs. Parker Hannifin is all about pricing, inventory, and cash flow. Composites is slow moving and a lot of RND.
Warn Notice
Company Name Parker Hannifin
Number of employees affected 48
Reason WARN
Location 9 Cutts Rd , Kittery, Maine 03904
Reporting State Maine
Local Workforce Zone 4 - Coastal Counties Local Area 4
Notice Date April 22, 2024
There’s a rumor and news source saying they are taking bids on the composites division they acquired.
The rumours seem to be right on here , MSDE and ISDE merging so more layoffs , MSDE Grantham apparently moving to MSDE Boras
Thanks for that info , does anyone know if anything inEurope is happening ? I have heard rumours of a couple of divisions closing ?
Parker Hannifin Corporation BWF Division Permanently closing 8 are affected. This in California where the state WARN notice is stricter than the Federal Warn laws. Anytime a layoff occurs check your state law and federal law to ensure compliance.
What Facitilies involved
Offering severance packages to those near retirement. After that its most likely layoffs at my facility.
Started Where ?
They’ve already started !
Any division / sales company in particular
Well they started
8 percent reduction all division's starting mid April early May.