If the economy turns around, do you anticipate any Prudential layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
11 replies (most recent on top)
Heard legal also got hit.
Which Group?
Just got laid off this week.
Some BUs were told recently for this round.
Anyone heard anything about GT?
Confirmed, some employees have heard from HR today
Just heard that there will be layoffs in LCBE
I think we'll not have any cuts any time soon, just my opinion
Next round is in February/March.
Same. I had an argument with a family member over this who felt it was better not to find out until after the holidays. Disagree...better to know / have more peace of mind and make preparations for your future!
No idea. Tbh the whole anxiety is sickening. It’s NYE and I am constantly worried about losing my job and the potential consequences.