What are your thoughts about potential Express layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
11 replies (most recent on top)
Loyal associates with decades of service received walking papers and zero in severance. The large executive bonus money emptied the wallet days before declaring bankruptcy. Associates paid the tolls, so the leadership could enjoy a trip down the expressway forward .
I was told there was no severance given at all
Have there been any more layoffs? Does anyone know what the severance package has been?
Any idea what area's were impacted with the layoffs yesterday?
Layoff's yesterday! and the rumor is more to come in the next weeks before the end of the fiscal year. The internal culture is the worst that I have seen in my 17 years. There is no way that we will survive this. Severance packages were revised last year right before layoffs so the company would not have to pay out large packages unless you're an executive and you get your "golden parachute". For now I will just continue to do less and less each day since the company is doing less and less for me.
No need to do layoffs when you remove one of the few perks of working here. The change to flex is totally a move to remove people without saying to the press we are doing another layoff, and you avoid pesky things like COBRA and severance packages.
So much for the Flex at Express program....I am so glad I got out when I did. It just keeps getting worse it seems!
Mandatory return to office for 4 days a week announced this week. Lot's of peeps are already looking for other jobs that offer flexibility and security. Come on Mr. Chicken you can do better than this!! You need to look at the leadership in all areas and not the chicks doing the work. You think your guarding the chicken cage when the foxes are already inside.
It’s obvious that the leadership needs to change especially in marketing!!! Now that the they changed the head of women’s design and the clothes are looking less like a drag queens closet, they need to change up the creative marketing. The head of marketing has been there too long! Come on Mr Chicken! Get a clue!!!
I have been at Express for 15 years and the culture is bad! Leaders continue to talk the company line while others have taken 2nd jobs during the day since they have very little to do. People are filling their calendars with makeup meetings to look busy. After the cuts last year there are very few people who have the motivation or knowledge to help the company get back on its feet.
Large layoffs happening before the end of January. Internal meetings already occurring on what positions. Get out now before the axe drops.