Thread regarding General Electric Co. layoffs

Finally theT-Rates-Stand-United-2024!!!!

With all the new skilled workers here we can fill them in. On how it use to be and we want to fight to get it back or close to the way it was. Let’s stop giving into the company all of the perks in the contracts are gone.

| 876 views | | 6 replies (last March 16)
Post ID: @OP+1quR9htQ

6 replies (most recent on top)

It's so true about the global market. Same trash that was pushed many years ago with NAFTA. The U.S.A. jobs will be running back. Just wait for it.

Post ID: @15dug+1quR9htQ

The global market is drying up. It won't be long and everything will come back home.

Post ID: @Hmxj+1quR9htQ

@vwm+1quR9htQ- your question is not our problem that would fall under the job classifications of the bean counters in the cubicles. Sounds like you care more about the company more than upgrading your standard of living.

We deserve a bigger portion of the billions of dollars we generate here! We deserve more of the state and federal free money the company gets.

Post ID: @1hzo+1quR9htQ

Any ideas how to compete cost wise in the global marketplace?

Post ID: @vwm+1quR9htQ

Brings back some good memory’s of my old shop steward. “Do you want Bar-S Hot dogs and BP&j or do you want the fillet mignon and steak & potatoes.” Famous Words from a former legend
He was right he said the company would keep stripping down our contracts.

Post ID: @wzn+1quR9htQ

No one can stop the excellence of a T-Rate! Let’s Stop corporate greed!

Post ID: @spf+1quR9htQ

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