Just looked at WARN notices in California and Illumina didn't have any for 2024. I thought they had to give 60 days notice before giving the employee notice?
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Illumina doesn't file WARN until after all affected employees are notified, sometimes up to a week later. Lately they have been giving out 30days notice and paying out the other 30days notice.
I was laid off from Illumina August 2023 and was notified July 2023 that I needed to stop working, but was on the books as an employee until August, so I was given a 30 day notice.
They do have to give 60 days notice, which is why everyone impacted is still on the books as an employee for the next 60 days. They did this for the previous RIF too - so generous of the company to give us additional time before severance officially kicks in, what a convenient coincidence that it lets them avoid tipping anyone off about what’s coming
"WARN requires 60 calendar days' written notice. The law makes no provision for any alternative such as pay in place of a notice. While an employer who pays workers for 60 calendar days instead of giving them proper notice technically has violated WARN, the provision of pay and benefits in place of a notice is a possible option. Because WARN provides for back pay and benefits for the period of the violation, up to 60 days, generally this approach by an employer may in place of notice means that the employer has already met the penalty specified in the Act ..."