Thread regarding Illumina Inc. layoffs

Is there a minimum severance?

| 2131 views | | 7 replies (last January 17, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+1qxDt54t

7 replies (most recent on top)

I was laid off last week and will get 2 weeks of pay per full year of employment. I believe this varies though based on the specifics of your role and location (European colleagues get more favorable packages due to the laws in their respective countries).

Post ID: @5glp+1qxDt54t

The severance is 1 week of pay for each year you worked at Illumina. You get that lump sum after you get your last paycheck in March.

Post ID: @4nox+1qxDt54t

During the 2023 summer RIF - I hard that people let go in the US were given two weeks of severance per year of service.

Post ID: @slu+1qxDt54t

Is it 2 or 4 weeks for each year of service

Post ID: @fnq+1qxDt54t

It depends on multiple factors.

  1. Your tenure with the company.
  2. Your current role.
  3. If you have any stocks vesting (in near future)
  4. Any bonus ( in active month)

Example: if you have a tenurity of 24-36 months and in a senior role , you can expect around 30-40k Euro (taxable) . Maybe more!!!

Post ID: @jyz+1qxDt54t

That doesn’t answer the question

Post ID: @qko+1qxDt54t

whomever got paid the least and had the shortest tenure

Post ID: @zlm+1qxDt54t

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