Thread regarding Illumina Inc. layoffs

Gotta blame something…macroeconomic RIF

100 hardworking PEOPLE lost their jobs today…and we still haven’t received an apology from leadership (current and past) for the Grail disaster. This company views people as expendable pawns, and it’s clear they don’t know how to forecast properly. It’s a sad, sad day at Illumina for once was a bright and promising company.

| 3007 views | | 15 replies (last January 17, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+1qxSWYFK

15 replies (most recent on top)

Regarding the post about Alex, please write in proper English. We can’t understand you.

Post ID: @5fnr+1qxSWYFK

Alex definitely is not the only source of truth. He might have experienced the same betray from upper management. He is just telling stories to remind those who are still in the company. Most others who left this company or stay in the corner chose to keep silence because of different reasons. And you all really know who is trying hard to shut up your mouth.

Post ID: @4dcz+1qxSWYFK

We've gotten no communication from our leaders at all. Nothing on the vision or strategy insights- just a layoff notice. Yes, Alex does provide valuable insights on LinkedIn that have proven to come true.

Post ID: @4gym+1qxSWYFK

Quite frankly, given the communication from our leaders, Alex is the only source of truth we have. They have not been candid with Grail valuation, they have not been truthful with the amount of layoffs needed, and we have been left in the dark as far as future vision for the company. Unwinding Grail is going to be a nightmare in this market, and no one has even acknowledged that basic truth.

Post ID: @4dme+1qxSWYFK

Alex is not a source of truth - he collects rumors - and publishes them. Do you really think any leaders are talking to him? He hated working for ILMN

Post ID: @4aru+1qxSWYFK

When Alex is an employees only source of truth at the company they work at you have bigger problems

Post ID: @1xov+1qxSWYFK

anybody who believes Alex Di-kinson on LinkedIn needs to have their head examined. He is a troll

Post ID: @1sqo+1qxSWYFK

If all members of clinical affairs were laid off, it probably means we won't be submitting anything for FDA clearance anymore.

Post ID: @yjl+1qxSWYFK

Where did that speculation come from?

Post ID: @yvi+1qxSWYFK

It's not related to macroeconomics. The CEO is completely changing the business model. We won't be creating clinical assays anymore. That is for our customers to do. We will probably divest some of the current business too like microarray and focus solely on sequencing.

Post ID: @clo+1qxSWYFK

It's closer to 250 people apparently.

See also this post:

And rumours mentioning up to 500 people:

Post ID: @zhf+1qxSWYFK

I was there for over 10 years and never had a bad review/check-in. I got spot bonuses when they were a thing and regular praises.

Post ID: @oeh+1qxSWYFK

Worthless email from Jacob...seems like they keep the messaging the same for each layoff. Always macroeconomics!

Post ID: @lfh+1qxSWYFK

More like lazy slackers got whacked. Goodbye worthless lazy losers.

Post ID: @rnl+1qxSWYFK

How do you know it’s 100?

Post ID: @pdv+1qxSWYFK

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