Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

Superbowl fail?

I've been hearing DTV pooed the bed on their 4K superbowl stream that they've been pumping for months. It'll be interesting to see how many cancel.

| 561 views | | 2 replies (last February 16, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+1r2Fbl0V

2 replies (most recent on top)

Picture a company on its last legs, resembling a wilting houseplant desperately clinging to life, with about as much hope for recovery as a snail in a salt shaker.

Post ID: @4xcn+1r2Fbl0V

No surprise here. DTV gets what it pays for.

It's a vicious cycle of layoff, worse service, churn, layoff...

Post ID: @1vzj+1r2Fbl0V

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