Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

Layoff today

This company is dooming, no people does any work in the company, all about mouth smart and as .....s kissing, time to prepare all your resumes

| 682 views | | 5 replies (last February 20)
Post ID: @OP+1r6yTiBD

5 replies (most recent on top)

For the people that lost 20 people or 30% of the team, which teams? When?

Post ID: @4kom+1r6yTiBD

can confirm, approximately 30% of my level was cut under a single SVP...was one of them.

Post ID: @2syk+1r6yTiBD

Lost two on my team... one was FTE other a contractor and now my team cannot function. I'm finally fed up and looking for a new job, sc--w DTV.

Post ID: @1ala+1r6yTiBD

No ... far more than 20 and that was about 30 percent of a group.

Post ID: @1cbt+1r6yTiBD

Quite a few contractors laid off and a few FTE.

Post ID: @1ntw+1r6yTiBD

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