Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

Impact of the transformation on data breaches.

There’s been two recent data breaches (May 2023 and a few days ago). All that transformation, right sizing, relying more and more on third party vendors based in India & Philippines, laying off key experienced staff.

I would wonder if all this has an impact on these breaches.

| 1173 views | | 3 replies (last July 11)
Post ID: @OP+1r731OpB

3 replies (most recent on top)

Do the needful, client is most important. We have ourselves a comedian here.

The majority of the time (outside of your compensated hours) you should put yourself and/or your family first. Occasionally there will be an emergency in work and that is fine but never should it become regular occurrence. These companies spend an awful lot of effort to hoodwink us about their culture and being part of a family. These is to squeeze us. The only family you have are the ones back home and who you grew up with; definitely not your manager and/or colleagues who’d stab you in the back if they could further their own career .
I bent over backwards for pru, burned the midnight oil, worked weekends almost continuously and job was outsourced. Lesson learned, never again.

Post ID: @2limh+1r731OpB

your use of language gives you away.

Post ID: @26hsn+1r731OpB

It is not caused by any Indian company. I cannot speak of people in Philippines but Indian companies have the very best talent in the world and always work very hard, always put the client first over everything else. No respectable employee of consultancy allow this to happen.

People in USA, Canada, UK, Europe and Australia are not customer focused enough and make many excuses about family and will not do the needful. Client is most important. This is why your jobs come here.

Post ID: @1Vptv+1r731OpB

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