Thread regarding Red Hat layoffs

More layoffs on the way

They are going to integrate RH into IBM. RH has not meet financial targets so no more standalone the IBM rto rules will go into effect and large layoff coming

| 852 views | | 5 replies (last April 20)
Post ID: @OP+1rJNP8dK

5 replies (most recent on top)

Red Hat will be a cratered out carcass left o the side of the road...long live Big Blue and MAtty aned Carolyn are getting rich........$$$$$$$ so sweet!!!!!

Post ID: @pflo+1rJNP8dK

Seems consistent with other layoffs at IBM. Not much press given to this, but IBM, in mid-April, cut 35-40% of their internal patent preparation and prosecution group--an insane move, seemingly, because much of that internal work will now be sent to more expensive outside counsel.

Post ID: @jhzb+1rJNP8dK

Feeds or bleeds ?

Post ID: @8bjq+1rJNP8dK

They don't dare. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. Red Hat has carte blanche.

Post ID: @7nsn+1rJNP8dK


Post ID: @6xsr+1rJNP8dK

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