Thread regarding NXP layoffs

NXP CEO worst company leader

Now is the turn for laying off a massive amount of engineers in manufacturing. On top of that, NXP CEO Kurt Sievers making remarks of other companies like Microchip for reducing 10% of their salaries for engineers and 20% for their management and Renesas for not giving any bonus to their engineers this year but makes no comments whatsoever about the high amount of people that is being laid off in his company... That way your company will always be better than any competition.

| 1319 views | | 1 reply (July 16)
Post ID: @OP+1rKtEZG2

1 reply

if you know how to monkey that short texan, you will be the "ceo" without much capability lol.

Post ID: @1Nykv+1rKtEZG2

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