Thread regarding SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. layoffs

Top Capital Development and Engineeringexecutives resign

Word is out that three Corporate Executives with a total of 67 years with the company have resigned . There is no doubt it is because of S.R.'s control. Did they really resign or were they released because they pushed back? People who really care about the company and ride safety are gone because of the greed of SR and his puppets.

| 962 views | | 4 replies (last April 23)
Post ID: @OP+1rV1LCGH

4 replies (most recent on top)

Two CFOs, two COO's, one CAO, SVP of Marketing, SVP of Business Strategy, VP of Operations & Safety, two VP's of Internal Audit, countless directors, several Park Presidents all have resigned (or moved on to other opportunities as they like to say) over the tenure of SR who is in it for the success his investors in HP, not for what is best for SeaWorld. Changed the name to hide the interests of HP.

Post ID: @gzfx+1rV1LCGH

Is one MD?

Post ID: @dwvh+1rV1LCGH

I’m so glad I was laid off during the pandemic. I now live in Hawaii making high 6 figures, enjoying life with my beautiful wife. S.R. can eat a tu-d.

Post ID: @7dii+1rV1LCGH

This has become normal at SeaWorld. Look at the revolving door of executives that come and go. None of them have a long term view for SeaWorld's future. Its hang on and ride the wave as long as you can stand it to collect the big paycheck. What's going to happen when Epic Universe opens? Before the first Harry Potter land opened in 2010, SeaWorld Orlando did 6M in attendance. Two years later, it struggled to do 4M. All that attendance and revenue went over to Universal. Now you have the first major theme park to be built in 25 years in Orlando....SeaWorld will get crushed and the fallout will be catastrophic. Epic won't put SeaWorld out of business, but more cost cutting and layoffs will be the only way to survive. Disney is investing 60B in their parks....2025 and especially 2026 will be painful.

Post ID: @2ero+1rV1LCGH

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