Retirement packages could save Vernova a considerable amount of money. The retirement fund is now very well funded.
Retiring legacy employees, with 30+years of service , could potentially save manufacturing budgets a windfall of money.
They could hire two cost savings employees for every legacy that retires! A win win!
11 replies (most recent on top)
: @OP+1rY8FYim Nice post but be a former union employee who jumped ship to the other side.
Does this talk of a “buy out” have actual legs or not? Makes sense to buy out those D’s.
@gxwh+1rY8FYi- for though ye buyout will be soon but they are working out a way to right the ol ship. They are going to buy out the pension but you only get half and your other half goes to the lower tier pay scale members. This will all go down right before the contract. Then after Though oh contract yea shall cometh the ol Jack Frost pink slipsos. See you in the El bread line yo.
Any news on a pension buyout for former employees?
Restructure everything, including pay scale . Offer an incentive package for some to retire & a very generous offer for the D rate legacy people to go, essentially a buyout for anyone that doesn’t want to be part of the NEW restructure.
It’s no longer sero packages. New company new game. It’s the zero package!
Zero money is being offered! It’s retire or get fired. Thanks for 28 years of service and 28 years of my life! The smart ones left on their own terms and walked away. This company is about to go through a big cycle of lack of work!
I'm ready. Show me da money !
After the next contract get voted in. I’m sure the legacy jack frosted pink slips will be going out in stacks to the new hires.
They should have tried to hire some of the seasoned T rates back to start with. Before hitting the streets to scrape the bottom of the hiring pool
With what they have been hiring in Schenectady in the last year, it will take 4-6 of the new hires to replace the worst of the legacy guys. So forget about that idea.