Thread regarding Kaiser Permanente layoffs

Lay offs in KPIT

They are still laying off and the reason they were giving is "As a result of financial pressures internally and externally across KP they have to make decisions to lay off. As part of that they are making decisions to reduce work force and eliminating positions across KPIT". Are you seriously laying of hands on developers with very good experience? Lay offs never stopped in this company since last year

| 1390 views | | 7 replies (last May 25)
Post ID: @OP+1rk1DrAn

7 replies (most recent on top)

With the new call center in Costa Rica are they saying they are not using contractors? So KP basically cut the middle man of a contract company and is going to run their own in Costa Rica?

Post ID: @1nkbx+1rk1DrAn

they just started informing KPIT staff of this via team meetings. KPIT will open a call center in Costa Rica with 38 reps so they are not going to renew the contract staff that is currently at the Service Desk. they're very insistent that these are not outsourced jobs (the new staff will have KP badges!) but it's obvious that they are and probably just the beginning.

Post ID: @1lepy+1rk1DrAn

They just want to get more H1Bs and also outsource.

Post ID: @4psn+1rk1DrAn


My name is Rachel Dalloo, I’m a reporter with Health Payer Specialist at the Financial Times. I am working on a story about the layoffs at Kaiser Permanente’s IT department and any other departments that were affected by the layoffs.

I saw that someone had posted this following message: "As a result of financial pressures internally and externally across KP they have to make decisions to lay off. As part of that they are making decisions to reduce work force and eliminating positions across KPIT.”

I would like to get in contact with anyone who is knowledgeable about the layoffs and who can provide any information on the quote above. I would like to know if it was part of an email that was sent out internally to staff or a leaked message.

You can best reach me if you are available to talk at and I am available via cell at 646-392-5066.

Thank You.

Post ID: @4cpa+1rk1DrAn

For an American company for the American people, they are not being very American at all. I learned that they hired vendors also from Costa Rica and have made management sign NDA’s stating that to say they are employees not vendors. Also, no longer offering severance to many people.

Post ID: @4piz+1rk1DrAn

More and more lay offs will happen this year. It doesn't matter if you are a best performer at your job. They will be moving all the jobs to offshore or they will make existing employees work 16hrs/day. Someone needs to do the job of lay off employee. Prepare your resume, apply outside and say bye bye to this company. Do not wait for your turn.

Post ID: @1eox+1rk1DrAn

They have been consistently laying off since end of 2020. KPIT voluntary packages went out across KPHC. People in multiple departments are being replaced by Accenture. It's to my understanding most departments that end up being laid off that Accenture picks up the work and eventually everyone goes over multiple "waves." I'm curious if anyone knows when the next wave of KPHC layoff will be. Also what is the goal with the KPHC departments and regions? Are the regions all going to end up with a few employees or will they cut entire regions. For example: A region is no longer necessary to have employees because another region will be doing the work for all markets.

Post ID: @1wmp+1rk1DrAn

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