Thread regarding General Electric Co. layoffs

Restructuring Schenectady

I am Hearing a lot of rumors of a cycle of restructuring to take place around the q3 of 2025 after the next contract for the union side. I heard salary side is going to be changed soon. I just my foot in here last year this is the best job I ever had. I was working at a well know big named fast food establishment. Anymore insight?

| 1073 views | | 2 replies (last April 23)
Post ID: @OP+1s9k3uiz

2 replies (most recent on top)

I believe it could happen again it is GE after all. I feel the layoffs are coming after the next contract passes for the union. Along with the downward spiral of the global economy. I thought 2008 was bad here we barely had work for the 400 people that were here in 273 back then. When the economy crashes this time it will make 2008 look like a tea party. The Q3 of 2025 will have a 30% reduction from now till then turn over on salary side is starting. The coming decline of the economy will shock big big corporate business sector.

Post ID: @2ccr+1s9k3uiz

@1xaw+1s9k3uiz- hire 2 or 3 of these uneducated unskilled workers for one skilled worker to force out to retire to represent the union and business. Nice trade off the future looks great

Post ID: @1fij+1s9k3uiz

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