Store managers in my region are becoming paranoid about potential layoffs coming this year. Due to everything moving to digital, they see that as a move to “automation” and cutting costs on hourly employees. Anyone else hear anything?
3 replies (most recent on top)
I left years ago or should I say forced to leave, best thing that ever happened to me. I don't earn as much but I have a great life not having to worry about work. Imagine not having to worry about numbers? The money was nice but the trade off was not worth it. I am surprised "they" have made it this long. The writing is on the wall, when you have to cheat to look good then something is wrong...
Been gone for 8 months best choice i ever made after working at rac for 11 years of them su-king my soul out making triple what i made there lifes much better how's rac been treating the employees these days ? Same old fake sales credit crazy in the stores ? Delivering stuff to pick it up when first payment is due if they didn't run off already lol crazy I can write a book for all the crazy stuff I've seen in there ..
Going digital will cause write offs to skyrocket, which are already at record highs. I mean it's bad real bad...