One of the COO's from FL Parks taking a leave of absence for personal reasons....won't be coming back I guarantee it. Soft way to tell Wall Street they ran another executive off. And Chief Accounting Officer quit. Just everyday life and nothing new for SeaWorld. Watch the heads roll when EPIC Universe opens. Choppy waters coming up for Mr SR for sure.
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Corporate office employees, both salary & hourly, who had been working from home successfully for the past four years have been called back to the office to work 5 days a week with only a 2 week notice. That’s all well and good for the salary folks but employee parking is a quarter mile down the road so even with a shuttle bus to clock in hourly folks are losing 1/2 hour or more of paid time. When you consider that no one’s gotten so much as a cost of living increase in six years that’s a brazen move. Seems to me they’re trying to get staff to quit so they don’t have to pay them unemployment benefits. They are also exempting certain corporate hourly positions without providing any overall hourly employee policy guidelines. The salary folks leave the office in the afternoon to move their cars closer to the office to avoid the daily summer 5-6 pm monsoons. What a great use of productive leadership time. I’m seeing recently occurring sharp delays in implementation of projects that didn’t happen in the past but apparently if you dare mention the cause is due to short staffing you’re out.