Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

TPG expires soon so what next?

I recall that when TPG bought their 30 percent that the contract was only for three years. That contract expires before August.

So what happens next?

Does TPG renew or take their cash and go?

With our free cash flow dropping an average of 800 million per year, I struggle to see the upside for them.

| 1152 views | | 11 replies (last August 10)
Post ID: @OP+1sSKr2aP

11 replies (most recent on top)

Any updates?

Post ID: @14aht+1sSKr2aP

I doubt TPG will pull out this year. Most likely more layoffs.

Post ID: @mqta+1sSKr2aP

Wonder if anyone on high realizes that we are existing solely to serve legacy customers with an average age of 77 years.

We joke about when was the last time you installed Service for somebody who wasn't a retiree. It's been years.

Talk to people under 60 and they will tell you Directv is something their Grandparents still use. This does not excite advertisers or investors.

I often wonder how many of our customer losses are due to them literally dying off. How we expect to evolve back into a growth company is a mystery given we are lumped into the "what ever happened to x-x" category by the general public.

Post ID: @fmia+1sSKr2aP

Bill Morrow is starting to soil his pants, that’s for sure. From what I gather within company meetings and some industry rumors is ATT will sell off either all or a large portion of their remaining DTV shares. Announcement coming in August. This partnership is starting to collapse. This is a huge game and our jobs are at stake. Get them resumes ready yall!!

Post ID: @doxa+1sSKr2aP

How was the company performance for 2023 used to calculate the bonus payout? Was it higher than 100%?

Post ID: @8fay+1sSKr2aP

The severance package indeed was not much for the layoff of senior manager level ... please note that CA requires employer to give 2 months notice otherwise they should pay 2 months ... DIRECTV did not pay even close to 2 months ....

Post from

Post ID: @6nrf+1sSKr2aP

Do you think there is enough FCF to provide severance packages for those that stayed on the sinking ship? Or will they get less?

Post ID: @5uol+1sSKr2aP

It is all about time when DIRECTV goes to the ground, the entire incompetence management team just speeds up the dooming process. They laid off hardworking and top performing employees while tried to rehire some positions since nobody there can really accomplish any work, just mouth-breathing talking people, you just see the customer experience team, the leaders there, a bunch of jokers

Post ID: @3jrf+1sSKr2aP

What if you throw a yard sale and nobody shows?

Post ID: @3ror+1sSKr2aP

I cannot find any financials after 2023 and I guess DIRECTV technically doesn't have to report them anymore, being a private company.

All I know is, they hyped that 4K Superbowl hard and sh-t the bed on their entire subscriber base and led to sizable cancellations soon after. When I was there, upper management's only real plan was to incorporate streaming services within DTV Stream itself in the hopes that it would gain more subscribers. Simply put, "If everyone has these streaming services, why not launch them from our app?" I don't think anyone on the engineering teams thought that would accomplish what they thought it would, but hey it was work for the next couple of years. Well, as long as you dodged all of the land mines that were lay offs along the way.

The fact is, DIRECTV is nearly obsolete. Once they cannot afford the RSNs anymore, it's over as that's the only thing slowing their descent (look at DISH). I don't see TPG renewing and now AT&T is stuck with a company they don't want to own anymore. He-l, they tried to sell and could only find someone to own 30% for 3 years. There are no buyers and what happens next is anyone's guess. If you're still at DTV, start looking to move on even if it's just to jump to AT&T.

Post ID: @3wmh+1sSKr2aP

If TPG breaks even they will be happy. All that is left of the DTV engineering/technical support groups are fossils waiting to be given a way out with dignity. The odds of that are diminishing rapidly.

Post ID: @1ncb+1sSKr2aP

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